france 44

Cook Like a Cheesemonger: Weeknight Chicken Parm in 10 Minutes

Cook Like a Cheesemonger: Weeknight Chicken Parm in 10 Minutes

Among the incredible new offerings in our deli case, the first to be immediately loved (and devoured en masse) by the staff was the chicken cutlet. There are few pleasures greater than a really good, well-seasoned, crispy cutlet, especially when they’re right there and ready to eat. I often find myself craving them but not having it in me on a weeknight to butterfly chicken breasts, pound them out into cutlets, set up a three step dredging station, fry the cutlets, and then deal the mountain of dishes and leftover oil in the aftermath. But now I can live out my chicken cutlet fantasy anytime–chicken parmesan in the time it takes to boil pasta.

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