Early Harvest Olive Oil

We wait all year for this. Our shipment of novello harvest olive oil has arrived from Tuscany just in time for the holidays. Any wine aficionado can relate to the excitement of a new vintage of their favorite grape juice flying onto the shelves.

Our novello harvest oil of choice is the Frescobaldi Laudemio Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Here is a quote direct from our importer's website: 

the Frescobaldis helped develop a new level of extra virgin olive oil production by emphasizing the concept of terroir, linking the olive’s typicity and quality to the uniqueness of its productive environment. 

Make whatever wine comparisons you want (Burgundy, Oregon pinot, etc) but the bottom line is that this oil is luxuriously delicious and incredibly versatile. Ready for ideas? Here we go!

  • Drizzled on burrata with some sea salt
  • With your dry aged ribeye
  • RIsotto
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Finish any soup with a swirl


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