Essex Lesbos Feta Watermelon Salad

Austin Coe Butler

“When one has tasted watermelons, one knows what angels eat. It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took; we know it because she repented.” – Mark Twain

This simple and refreshing summer salad exceeds by the quality of its ingredients. Briny Feta and kalamata olives bring out the sweetness of watermelon, and the addition of herbs like mint and thyme make this a fragrant, simple salad with a crispy, cooling, crunch that you’ll be bringing to every garden party, cook-out, or picnic this summer.

When procuring a watermelon, look for one that’s uniform in size and with a pale yellow spot—this is called the field spot, where the melon has ripened on the ground. It should feel heavy for its size and resound with a deep thud when knocked on. Store them at room temperature.


250g Essex Lesbos Feta, crumbled

16 kalamata olives, pitted

1/2 a small red onion, sliced thinly

1 English cucumber, or 3 small Persian cucumbers, deseeded and cubed

1 1/2 lbs watermelon, cubed

1 lemon, juice and zest

3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 tbsp Red Wine Vinegar

1 sprig of mint, about 6 leaves

1 sprig of oregano

2 springs of thyme

Salt and pepper to taste 

Cut the red onion in half, then slice it into strips as thin as you can. Place them in a bowl of cold water for about 15 minutes to remove some of its pungency. Strain the onions in a colander and pat dry with a towel to remove as much moisture as possible. Add them to a large bowl. Cube the watermelon and add it to the bowl with the onion. Cut the cucumbers in half and remove the seeds with a spoon. Cube the cucumber and add it to the bowl.

If your olives do not have the pits removed, simply whack them with the side of your knife, like you would to remove the skin from a garlic clove, or tear them open with your fingers to remove the pits. Add them to the bowl. Crumble the Feta into the bowl as well.

Finely chop the mint and strip the leaves from the oregano and thyme.

Dress the salad with the juice and zest of one lemon, the red wine vinegar, and olive oil.

Toss to combine and check for seasoning, adding salt and freshly cracked pepper to taste.

If you have any flowering herbs, I suggest adding them as a garnish. I had some flowering chives and thyme that I used here.

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